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Thomas the Tank Engine Advent Calendar for Christmas

One of the things that I have been searching for for a while is a Thomas the Tank Engine advent calendar.  I have found that it is not too difficult to decorate your home with Thomas the Tank Engine Christmas decorations, but I have not seen anything that has to do with an advent calendar.

The reason I am looking is that my son is a huge Thomas the Train fan, and my wife and I thought that would be a good way to introduce an advent calendar to him.  Unfortunately no luck.  If anyone knows a good place to get one, it would be greatly appreciated.

One thing we have found is a Thomas the Tank Engine Christmas stocking.  We had to look at several places to find ones we liked, such as eBay and Etsy.  My wife even considered making one herself, but decided against it. 

But with the Thomas the Tank Engine advent calendar we haven't had as much success.

1 comment:

  1. Apparently Poundland should have them according to an internet search
