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Thomas the Train Life Jackets

Now that summer is in full swing, there are surely going to be some parents looking for Thomas the Train life jackets when in need of an infant life jacket or toddler life jacket.

But the problem is that the selection is not huge.  Kids life jackets can be found everywhere, whether online at Amazon or at an actual retail store like Walmert, Sears, or Target.  But a quick scan online does not provide a very big selection when looking for a swim jacket featuring Thomas the Tank Engine and his friends.

Sure, when you google the phrase, "Thomas the Train life jackets," you get some options on some sites to pop up.  But if what you find is not the right size life jackets for kids that you need or simply isn't the style or look that you want, then you could be out of luck.

It was a little disappointing to me since my son is a big Thomas the Train fan and he would love a Thomas the Train life jacket for his birthday.  However, I couldn't find anything that seemed all that useful.

Maybe I'm just not looking in the right spot.  Or maybe I just need to get out and look a little harder.  Have you had any luck finding Thomas the Train life jackets?


  1. Life jackets are the best precaution that any boater can have in the event of a accident. Life jacket, keep you safe while you’re in the water waiting for help to arrive.

  2. Stearns® Puddle Jumpers™ are safe and comfortable life jackets for kids. Simply buckle in the back and let your children enjoy the water with confidence with our Coast Guard-approved and fun-to-wear life jackets for kids.


    I myself and my son are a huge thomas fan and try to find anything and everything Thomas lol :D I havent purchase this..Im still debating it since is a Air Life vest and trying to get more info on it.
